3D Laser Scanning

The perfect instruments for 3D reality capture for AEC, public safety-forensics, and product design applications

3D Laser Scanning technology is used for “as-built” surveys to measure, model and map complex piping, foundations, structures and all other features found in chemical plants, manufacturing facilities, and other industrial environments. The process captures individual data points in 3D at a rate of up to 1M pts/sec, and then through post-processing, joins the scans.

  • Process Piping

    The 3D scanner can be used to collect data of existing piping routes that can be modeled and used to get measurements or for the design of new installations.

  • Structural As-Built

    3D scanning of structures allows for precise measurements of as-built structures to verify that structures are built to the correct specifications.

  • Structural Integrity Inspections

    The point cloud generated for the 3D laser scan can be used to inspect specific structural qualities that may be compromised. The structure can be modeled, measure, and put into simulators to check the structural integrity for the specific structure.

  • 3D Models of Sites for Future Progress

    By applying local or state survey control to the scan project, we have been able to build overall site models by piecing together individual scan projects of a specific site to build an overall site point cloud which can be used for future planning and projects